These dayz~~

ok, just wanna shout it out....

It's a very very very very LONG time ago since last post....
And I want to apologise here...
(Apologise AGAIN...=.=)
for leaved my blog for such long time...
Sorry ya guyz...

There's something that I want to tell you all here...
1st one...
A very late HAPPY BIRTHDAY for:
Lee Sze Han & Lim Joe Ann....
may god bless you and give you a memorable birthday...
(P/S: Sze Han, don't lost the card ya!
If I know that you lost it....BE CAREFUL>.<)

2nd one....COMPLAINS!!!!!!!
damnly tiring...........!!!!
A lots of homework....
An exam for history 2molo...
Another one for add maths at next week....
Wanna die already lah!!!!!
Please...pray for me....^^

ok...I think it's enough for now....
I will update my blog....very soon(??)
haha....byez again...^^


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